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Together with the Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change, WasteServ led the Sort It Out campaign across Malta. Launched in October 2018, the Sort It Out initiative sought to increase awareness on municipal waste separation and recycling through an educational campaign. 

Through this project, which was part-financed by the European Union under the Cohesion Fund, organic waste collection was rolled out nationwide. To instil behavioural change and foster waste separation practices, WasteServ disseminated free recycling bin sets to all households. Recycling bin sets were also disseminated to all government entities. This was accompanied by training in waste separation for all government departments.

Sort It Out Logo

As part of this campaign, WasteServ also worked closely with licensed pharmacies to cater for the disposal of expired and unused medicines. Specific waste containers were also distributed to pharmacies, and the general public was encouraged to make use of this free service. 

The Roadshow Trucks also formed part of the Sort It Out campaign. Collection trucks were purchased to make it easier for the general public to dispose of certain types of waste, including hazardous waste such cooking oil, light bulbs and light tubes. Each truck has separate compartments for the different waste streams, allowing for a more effective and efficient waste separation process.  

Every day these trucks visit different localities around Malta to facilitate the separate collection of different waste streams, while at the same time informing the general public about waste management. 

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WasteServ Malta Ltd
ECOHIVE Complex, Tul il-Kosta, Naxxar NXR9030

+356 80072200