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The Thermal Treatment Facility (TTF) situated in Marsa consists of an incinerator which uses heat to process abattoir waste, clinical waste and other hazardous waste streams. It also includes an autoclave plant that treats animal tissue waste prior to the incineration process. 

The incinerator, inaugurated in December 2007, replaced the two old incinerators and helped increase the efficiency of operations. To operate its high temperature furnace, the incinerator is powered by electrical energy, Heating Gas Oil (HGO) and tallow produced in the autoclave.

The autoclave, which was installed in 2015, is a pre-treatment facility that processes around 2,500 tonnes a year of animal tissue waste. The by-products produced following the rendering process are then used as fuel for the Thermal Treatment Facility. Besides making the plant efficient, this also contributes towards Malta’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to generate renewable energy resources. Furthermore, the Thermal Treatment Facility operates in line with the Industrial Emissions (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations (S.L. 549.77)    

The Thermal Treatment Facility is open from 06:00 hours till 17:00 hours. Last admission at 16:30hrs. Fallen pets and horses may be admitted 24/7. 

A new Thermal Treatment Facility with an investment of €50 million is currently in the pipeline to replace the Marsa incinerator.  The new facility will incorporate the best available technology to guarantee the ideal environmental performance and the potential of green energy generation. 

WasteServ Malta Ltd
ECOHIVE Complex, Tul il-Kosta, Naxxar NXR9030

+356 80072200